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Lien Callens

Principal, imec.xpand

As a tech-enthusiast Lien is captivated by new innovations and joined imec.xpand in 2019. Currently she is working as a principal focusing on health-tech investments, where she brings in depth expertise in the bio- and medical sectors. Lien worked in business development and strategy positions at Merck and Sanofi. She holds a master in in bioelectronics and nanotechnology from Hasselt University.


Financing of MedTech

Location Einstein ABC Room Start / end time 10:10 am to 10:30 am

Either for start ups or scale ups, getting access to funding is crucial to pursue their development activities. It is no secret that during the last years, this has not been easy.

In the current fund raising environment, getting positive examples of successes is of upmost interest for inspiration.

From industry and investors points of view, we will get insights on how to best prepare a financing round and get some tips and tricks that will be helpful for ideas generation.