The 6th MedTech Meetup was held on March 16, 2023.

Have a look at the program of this successful edition:

Program overview

Plenary sessions


A Glimpse into the Future

Laurent Hermoye - Imagilys


Creating better health experience

Christophe Jauquet - Healthusiasm

Europe Hospitals

The digital transformation of the hospital in a context of paradigm shift

Gatien Hocepied - Europe Hospitals

Ghent University

How to bring innovation to the patient in a value-based healthcare context

Pascal Verdonck - Ghent University


Next generation well-being and prevention

Evelyn Verlinde - leadlife


Reinventing the future of healthcare for the benefit of associates, Patients, customers and shareholders

Alexander Alonso - BD

Workshops - TRACK A

Rapidly evaluate market needs and create value

Clemence Denis Beslin - SALES' Attitude

Decentralization of healthcare

Joris Walraevens - Byteflies; Iwan van Vijfeijken - pulsify medical; Bob Moens - moveUP;

How to ensure a successful fund raising

Christophe Wathion - NautaDutilh; Mathilde Levy - finance&; Nicolas Roberti - TheClubDeal

Workshops - TRACK B

How to fill the gaps of clinical evidence to comply with the MDR

Karen Gabriëls - Archer Research

EBRAINS and the challenges of Research Infrastructure for clinical data and data protection compliance

Steven Vermeulen, Thibault Griez - EBRAINS

Clinical data under the MDR from the perspective of a Notified Body

Dr Thomas Feldmann, Dr. Uta Romberg - DQS Medizinprodukte

Workshops - TRACK C

Strategies for selecting the best preclinical models for regulated medical device studies

Gaelle Clermont - NAMSA

How to conduct a degradation study on medical devices

Thomas Rousseau - FILAB

How to avoid common mistakes that ruin your chances of efficient manufacturing

Antti Virtanen, Valter Ritso - Innokas Medical