The 5th MedTech Meetup was held on March 17, 2022.
Have a look at the program of this successful edition :
Program overview
Plenary sessions

AI adoption in Belgian Healthcare : the AI4health coalition and barometer
Giovanni Briganti, MD, MSc, PhD - CHU Brugmann, AI4Belgium

Linking healthcare institutions for collaboration and information exchange: Master Patient Index
Filip Rommelaere & Benoit Cuyvers - Siemens Healthineers

Telemedicine in Belgium, an overview
Alexander Olbrechts - Agoria

Can Technologies humanize Healthcare?
Melchior Wathelet - ZORGI

Integrating Telemonitoring into our healthcare
Tim Bogaert - Byteflies

MDR implementation at NB1639 and beyond
Dr. Geofrey De Visscher, PhD, MBA - SGS

Challenging the status quo in surgical training
Dr. Pieter De Backer, Orsi Academy; Maxim Rousseau, Junior Orsi Academy
Workshops - TRACK A
Harnessing academic innovation and entrepreneurship: creating a win-win with the industry
Zuzana Kasanova, KU Leuven Research & Development; Frederik Vervenne, CoMoveIT
10 years of investing and coaching 250+ startups: Lessons learned from the field
Ilse Vanhulle, imec.istart ; Jeroen Dille, DEO;
How to successfully launch or grow your MedTech company in Liege
Jean Beka, Cytomine; Jean-Luc Morelle, Trasis; Pierre Douette, Cardiatis
Workshops - TRACK B
EU regulation on AI in MedTech: why and how
Thibault Helleputte - DNAlytics
In 2022, we celebrate the 400th anniversary of Moliere. As Mr Jourdain was speaking prose without knowing it, you already have conformity data to IVDR…the question is: how to use them?
Agnès Martinec - nexialist
Benefit-risk analysis for medical devices under the IVDR and MDR: the next step to demonstrate compliance of your risk management system
Alex Laan, BSc, Dipl.-Ing, NAMSA
Workshops - TRACK C
Health Economics, Market Access, and Reimbursement for medical technology
Amber Werbrouck, Hict; Sebastian Vermeersch, Hict; Stefanie Devos, beMedTech; Niels van Druten, Cochlear Benelux
Update of the Biological Safety Evaluation in the context of the MDR
Marcel Dörkes, Eurofins BioPharma Services Consulting Munich
Steam sterilization : design – optimization of sterilization cycles / development of steam sterilizer cycle
Philippe Bourbon, Groupe ICARE