The 4th MedTech Meetup was held on October 2, 2020.

Have a look at the program of this successful edition :

Program overview

Plenary sessions

Logo: InnoRehab

From the rehab centre to the market : the successful entrepreneurial journey of a physiotherapist

Geoffroy Dellicour - InnoRehab

The Human Link

Patronus: a blended care treatment for panic disorder, claustrophobia and driving anxiety

Tine Daeseleire & Eveline Bockhodt - The Human Link


Chronic diseases in the digital era

Dr Paul Wulleman - ADVELOX


The journey from the daily practice to the Perikit

Joseph Harfouche - PeriKit

Howest Hogeschool

Makerhealth: Facilitating frugal innovation with and for healthcare professionals through medical fablab techniques

Lieven De Couvreur - Howest Hogeschool

Bridge 2 Health

Life Sciences as a cornerstone for territorial economic development : the case of the Liège B2H ecosystem

Marc Foidart - Bridge 2 Health


By clinicians for clinicians


Workshops - TRACK A

Introduction to living lab principles

Leen Broeckx - LiCalab


Steven Vandeput, beMedTech ; Jessica Shull, Digital Therapeutic Alliance; Azèle Mathieu, Louis-Philippe Broze,

Software as Medical Device

Ward Callens, Materialise; Wim Vos, OncoRadiomics

Workshops - TRACK B

How to leverage government incentives to bridge the Valley of Death

Stefaan Heyvaert - Ayming

How to finance your start-up business

Ilse Vanhulle, imec.istart; Jonathan Schreiber, Helpilepsy; Diane Lejeune, PMV

How to build strong investor relations as a medtech company

Marine Lhomel, Infused Communication

Workshops - TRACK C

Post-Market Surveillance of medical devices: from reactive to proactive

Leonardo Ruggiero - Agfa Radiology Solutions

The impact of the MDR and ISO 14155 update on clinical trials

Esther Daemen, TRIUM Clinical Consulting

Chemical Characterisation: a prerequisite for the biological evaluation

Paolo Pescio, Eurofins Medical Device Testing